RE:RE:RE:WhyAgreed, when you look at all the data they have for this area I think they will hit Guama. I think the reason the stock is at 40 cents is because it was less than 10 cents not too long ago. A big run to 2 bucks and a lot of people cahsed out. They made their money and can afford to wait on results before buying back in. I think, sometimes it doesn't matter what a company has or its potential. What you need to follow is the money. This stock jumped too fast and people took advantage to make a quick buck. I think if this had a slower run to 2 bucks we would be sitting much higher. Now we are back at 40 and if they hit on Guama those that cashed out will be back for more! They have manipulated this stock down so that if results are good and it doubles on the open its still only 80 cents. They still get in for less than they sold. Its not about GQC its about manipulation and controlling the risk while making the most profit.