The stars say it all!!!I have 4 stars out of 5 for "quality" and 5 out of 5 for "participation".......
My posts were only to take jabs at the hack nut job who was a pumper who turned BASHER, and
now PUMPER (kinda) again, yes you all heard of the tool, it is SEP-tic.
And so, as retarded as the stars on this board are, and as much as the bull sh it stinks on this
board, I'm back for some more fun!
From the Korea Harrold yesterday:
"The plant and existing structures at the mine shall be boarded up and sold off to the Chinese."
Well, there you go, sold at a measly 8 cents per share.... oh the humanity!!!!
Here's the news vid:
Really gets to the heart of the matter at about 0:28