Potential Near-Term Catalysts for a Touchstone Gold ReratingThere are two potential near-term catalysts for a TCH rerating upwards from 3 cents:
1. From TCH's recent update announcement: "possible transactions that might be accretive in value for all shareholders" and "two such initiatives can be accurately be described as being in "advanced discussion" stage."
Interim Update 20/09/2013
2. From the profile of Touchstone which was in the late March 2013 issue of Mining Resources Quarterly:
"Upon completion of all drilling planned for the year, Touchstone will initiate a maiden NI 43-101 compliant resource estimate on the Segovia Gold Project and release the report by the end of the year."
Initiation of a maiden resource estimate can and should be a major confirmation of value, with a communserate stock price advance.