To avoid disapointment just don't look for a price increasefor a looooooooooooooong time. This last news is just more of the same old same old, after 13 years in this dog, I have seen it all before. WCP are trying to pump this thing up as they will need 400 million to get a mine going. I hope they have lots of cash & friends and family that are willing to risk it in such a hostil country. Oh ya and of course they are most encouraged for the potential for a large scale gold project. WCP have not even landed a drill there yet, still using the portables that take forever to punch a hole in the ground. A resource estimate in 2014? better get some drills in there quick. As for the Yukon, like we have all been told before at the AGM's, from discovery to a mine is 10-12 years. Don't forget about Suwar, "World class, largest un-mined nickel property in the world worth 30-40 billion dollars". Vale does a fly over and it is worth nothing then Cantex drops the lease that cost us next to nothing to keep. Wonder if anyone picked up that ground at Suwar???? $1.05 for me to be even, lucky I averaged down at .0015 cents. But never again will I invest my hard earned money into one of Chucks projects. Buyer beware. GLTA