EXPM:PREGF - Post by User
Post by
GoldfingerU3O8on Nov 11, 2013 7:20am
Post# 21893380
Could, should, would
Could, should, would Beware of the bashers which are probably politically motivated:
The party of the pirates received only 2.2% of the votes during Bundestagwahl 2013. Because of their chaotical behaviour nobody with a sense for reality expects them to achieve 5% in the next 20 years.
But the document they are talking about exists: ------ it says that even the bureaucracy made some mistakes, their adminstrative decisions are not invalid. Only if their administrative decsions are not definitive, they are refutable -----------
I read that the PRD concessions are definitive - so PRD should not be affacted at all because of German bureaucracy competence problems. And if they would be affacted, PRD could sue them because they made the mistakes.
................ Der Fehler in der Zuständigkeitsnorm ist nicht unbeachtlich. Er führt andererseits je-
doch auch nicht zur Nichtigkeit der von der Behörde erlassenen Verwaltungsakte. Al-
lerdings sind die Bescheide des niedersächsischen Landesamtes für Bergbau, Ener-
gie und Geologie anfechtbar, soweit sie bergrechtliche Verfahren des Landes Schles-
wig-Holstein betreffen und noch nicht bestandskräftig geworden sind