3 MILLION options as a welcome "LOOT BAG"I thought the loot bags were handed out at the end of the party.
Was the grant of 3M options at .34 discussed at the AGM ? They were issued the day prior.
I've heard the first MILL is the toughest.....if BNC goes to .68 (...OH and it will - see organized bullboard RUSE ) This gent makes a Million bucks.
Remember our other partner from the province of Que ( see 13.25% Paladin arrangement with 5M AH penalty ) is at $110 now and their arrangement with Endo ( dumped us like a "Savvy Aussie" ) HAS NOTHING TO DO with BNC...confirmed by Frog ( Ribitz / Ribitz ) as apparently we wre told at the AGM "NO CONSPEARASEAs in regards to ENDO re-aqquiring inside track to Yur-Rock-Cidin.
Got $500 - 1K you want to put to very good use....inbox me...I have a sugestion.