Rebound target $3.2I don't base my investment decision on fundamentals such as news release or analyst reports. In fact you never know what happens with the company if you are not the controlling shareholder. But this doesn't prevent me from making money on a lot of stocks. For this one, my self developed quan model has just issued a buy sigal. I'd recommend buy some and place selling order at $3.2 to make 10% short term profit. Don't look down upon the 10%, one makes only 2% by deposit in bank for a whole year. Long term investor is much more easier to be hurted than us short term trader. Remember good companies are by far less than bad companies. But bad companies' shares sometimes go up. Therefore, the best strategy is to split total inventment fund to 10 to 20 equal portions. For each selected stock, buy with only one portion and get out of it when there is a 5%-10% profit within a month or two.