RE:RE:Devil’s Advocatemarpincan: "The cost over runs for Phase one were way less than almost all mining projects being developed at the time. In other words, TRQ and Tinto did a fairly good job of managing costs. Also when looking at cost over runs, you have Tinto's numbers and the GOM's numbers. - There is quite a difference. Cost over runs for Phase one were mostly caused by GOM and the delays GOM caused - in big projects, delays can add considerably to costs. Most of the GOM's complaints amount to nothing more than red herrings - they are nothing more than excuses made to cover up GOM incompetence and corruption. This project could have been producing 5 years sooner than it did and Phase 2 could have been complete by now. It was not because GOM kept doing an about face on mining policy and did not want to honor IA even though the IA gives over 70% of proceeds to Mongolia and Mongolians. Sometimes you just got to call a spade a spade and draw a line." AGREED, AGREED, AGREED.