what I can say about CCB in contrast to other better known graphite plays, and which were the PITA that I attacked were:
ccb did not hire a stock promoter
ccb did not use the word "unique" and market that fact like it was "the proverbial cure for cancer"
ccb reached and reported purity before speculating on how many 9's were to the right of the decimal point.
ccb has a ceo who can speak and speak well. a ceo who communicated and understands how non-institutional investors think.
ccb's ceo also stays focussed on the project, regardless of the PITA shareholders---all of which he responds too.
ccb does not have to deal with FN---whether hostile or friendly to the project (my 23 history has been 75% negative in regards to mining)
ccb has not given dates and timelines, only to see them pass without comment.
ccb has not insinuated, via their inside communications, that to the west or to the east "lies a depost 4 times greater in size.." type of story.
ccb has not engaged outside aid in upspinning the story.
I think you know what Im getting at. If you dont well there's always the weekend to think about it.
I like ccb.