RE:RE:RE:RE:so this is where the mudsling is tonight....the_Chief wrote: drw1 wrote: FogLeghorn wrote: It looks like the_Chief has a few people really ticked-off at him and they are gettin' in his face tonight. Some days you just can't win. As the old saying goes "You made your bed, now you'll have to lie in it". It is rather entertaining, it it not?
It has become rather amusing to read how history can be re-written, denied, twisited or just plain ignored. The harder one shouts the less believable, and uninterested others become with what is said. Perception is the reality no matter how hard someone tries to convince otherwise.
We come into this world collecting items that define us, like the clothes we wear, the cars we drive, the places we eat, things that say this is who I am. Take these things away and what do we have left that defines who we are? Our character, our word, our credibility. When one looses these, well then, we don't have much at all.
I'm not a CCB holder so I will not pollute the board anymore of my ramblings.
Its just the 9 people I tossed acting up. They have their interpretation. I have mine. I sleep at night. So not going to bother with them anymore. Its just sour grapes. If they had sold when I did, they would not be complaining.
....or on the flip side, they'd be losing sleep when you, glorieux, thershold, ltgoldbull, hoov and so on were screaming about 45 and beyond !
so which do we take solice in ? your sell reccomendation, which in rearview mirror analysis is right.
you table pounding about reaching $5 and beyond coupled with you 'gone by Sept or Oct for $11-$14 ?
this is a fast track mine with no issues and will operate in under 2 years ?
or, and or , and or all the other uber-pumpish stuff you were writing all over the place ?
for me the big sale-signal came when mister insider dumped hundreds of thousands on July 26, 2013 to pay for some medical peocedures (none of which are ever verified)
that insider sale was all I needed, coupled with the euro and US roadshow by the promoter, in addition to the Globe and Mail ads, plus the hysteria and overought technicals.
Not cus of your $25 a month two-cent "call"