RE:RE:questionSirCOTTONWOOD wrote: battleforest wrote: say you know you are going to get some paper below market price. either commons with warrants, or whatever. you know what I mean.
1-could you short. would be declared correct ?
2- could you naked short ?
3- could you short and NOT declare ?
4- could you short via offshore and not declare ?
5- could you short and not declare via these new electronic exchanges ?
6- could you use a German listing to front-run news and/or short undeclared ?
These are serious questions, not meant to stir any pot, but questions that would help me understand what manipulators could/can get away with and apply to any stock not ccb, but I use this board cus it is frequented by smarter people than most other boards.
Wow, great subject of interest and questions for the learning process of any investor and not one single response?
I know that I've seen other company filings where board members, directors, etc. do have the ability to lend shares out for shorting purposes but I don't know much about it. Would love to learn more.
could only be a few reasons why no one has taken a shot at those questions:
1- too lazy and dont want to but know answers.
2- dont know answers
3- both 1 and 2
lol......I have tried searching around the net but there is really nothing definative
so I believe that all those practices can/and do happen.