Ganesh Bhat Ganesh Bhat BSc (Geology), MSc (Applied Geology), PhD (Geology), M App. Sc (Environmental Science) Ganesh is a highly experienced exploration and mine geologist with a deep understanding of environmental management as related to resource development. His experience includes exploration for chromium, manganese, nickel, gold, uranium, base metals and heavy mineral sands. Prior to joining Sentient he worked in Western Australia at various nickel and gold operations for Lion Ore and Coolgardie Gold Mining Company before joining Consolidated Minerals as Senior Geologist where he was involved in the resource development for the Kambalda nickel operations, and Coobina chromite mines and Woodie Woodie manganese mines in Pilbara WA. Ganesh has been actively involved in the following discoveries: »Using 3D seismic analysis for the discovery of hard rock hosted massive nickel sulphide ore bodies in the Betahunt nickel mine, Kambalda WA »Discovery of structural controlled hydrothermal multi metal (uranium, copper and gold) ore deposit at Gogi, Gulbarga district, Karnataka State in India »Discovery of a sandstone hosted roll front type of uranium ore deposit in Mahadek sandstone at Tyrnai, West Khasi Hills district, Meghalaya state in India