so I have this straightspectral hired an independent analyst to tell non-insider shareholders why they should vote yes to extend warrants for insiders? let's not forget that they were kind enough to point out that the company is currently trading at 30 cents, with a late stage p3, high efficacy treatment with a clear path to FDA approval! Is there another <45 mil company out there with a similar profile?
Wouldn't it be more beneficial to hire an independent analyst to explain why a company, who 2 independent analysts value at as much as a billion dollars, has a market cap of 45 mil. Wouldn't that make more sense?
Granted, that leveraging these 2 analyst reports could be perceived as promotion, and we all know that biotechs don't promote, but perhaps Management would feel more comfortable paying for an independent analysis to explain how a company with a 2 bil market opportunity meanders along with an under 50 mil market cap.
maybe then the company could raise money at$1.50+ rather than 60 cents OR LOWER. I realize that there is a lot to digest in the last 2 interim results news releases but I think that making even a minuscule effort to properly value the company would be a far more worthwhile exercise, to all shareholders.