RE:Surface Materialjumpth3shark wrote: With the 480 tonnes of material that CCB currently has on the surface and is looking to put on the market... What is a realistic netback right now? Are there any comparable producers out their or will CCB be essentially setting the market?
Chief says that CCB can get $25k a tonne. So, after the processing and transportation, let's assume ~$5k
That would be a netback of $20k per tonne
With 490 tonnes on the surface, that's essentially $9,800,000 sitting there.
Right now, CCB only has a market cap of $12,975,000
Seems seriously undervalued to me based on the surface material alone.
Not to mention if (when) the resource is expanded. Drill program planned now. Historically, there were a couple other producing graphite mines in the area. I'm sure the old timers left some behind.
cant see ccb selling directly to an end user. of course i could be wrong and dont know for sure dont most sell to a distributor type of operation ? if you know there path to market, please post. thanks