why not just...
raise $5M thru a financing and be done with it. PTK does not suffer from over liquidity... if anything they don't have enough shares to offer when the keen investment eyes of the American tech world gets informed on POET. I need and want all my shares for leverage... the company doesn't need to raise the SP by any reverse hokus pokus. The US could easily see a stock market crash this fall and if we are not careful we'll have a low SP with no leverage to boot!! Anyway I can see that everybody is geared up to give away their shares for a higher price which may be the start of something good or the start of the SP going back to where we started... in the $1.50 range. Why not let them do a PP and leave our leverage (that we paid for with hard earned money) alone! It doesn't sound great when you have to do what they probably will do at the start of what should be a huge payday for investors... and everybody loves it!! gt