Hi Shumba,
I just quickly went over my 2013 tax return and my total payments from the AP.UN were $1534.25
and that was broken down into the following:
$13.82 in capital gains which equals .9%
$619.55 in other income which equals 40.4%
$900.88 in Return of Capital which equals 58.7%
This was the case for the 2013 taxation year. It may have been different in 2012 and it may be different again in the 2014 taxation year. I was wondering about this myself because by getting Return of Capital we have to keep proper records for when we sell AP.UN because the Return of Capital reduces our original cost of the shares. I would much prefer to just get regular dividends and pay the taxes on them now. There is no immediate tax on return of capital. It may be to our advantage to be taxed later under the Capital Gains taxation rate, but I'd still prefer to get regular dividends and pay up front. I hope this has been of help.