RE:RE:NG to $30 this winter?Ok bullregard.. look at it this way.. First up I have nothing to gain by reporting what someone has told me so no agenda here.. now forget the crazy sounding numbers and just look at what has already happened and what is happening right now.. from my point of view I know nothing about the weather or NG but someone who I have known for a very long time and whose opinion I have learned to respect confidently tells me this winter in the US will be waay more severe than last year and will overwhelm NG supply.. so initially I'm like 'yeah yeah whatever I'm happy with trading the stocks in the sectors I am familiar with why would I be interested'.. but I just begin to track NG anyways because I'm always open to new opportunities.. so I watch the charts and I see NG usually peaks during cold winters and peaked around $15 in 2005 and 2008 but for the last 6 years has traded in a range roughly between $3 and $5 with a few little peaks usually in Jan/Feb.. I saw the downtrend in Oct and said to my friend 'looks like it will go to about $3.50' and he said 'yeah that will be the time to buy' which he started doing around $3.70 / 3.60.. so as I mentioned I bought a few thinking well it looks like a decent trade anyways as surely it will go up to around $4 - 4.50 over the next month or so as winter arrives.. So since then I have been watching and so far my friend has been correct.. and I note profitmaker recommended a short yesterday morning which turned out completely wrong and everyone else posting here is not really bullish and believes the "warmer weather will arrive soon" scenario.. but my friend is telling me a different story.. all time record cold and snow in Siberia heading down through Alaska.. all time record ice pack in the Arctic and more.. all effecting the next few months of weather coming to North America (I live in the UK btw).. So as I said forgetting about seemingly absurd predictions and seeing that the weather is already breaking all time record low temps in many US states I can't help thinking maybe this guy is onto something here.. and considering a decent entry point below $4 NG why not ride this thing and see what happens.. take a little profit on big upswings and add a little on red days and even if it turns out similar to last winter surely there is some decent money to be made here.. makes sense to me.