The Next Potential Energy Crisis?U.S. Uranium Supplies Competition, Risks and the Next Potential Energy Crisis – Table 1 illustrates that future World Nuclear Power generation capacity and demand for uranium fuels could double in the near future. Competition for available uranium supplies will be largely driven by Developing Countries including China and India, and Developed Countries including the U.S. and UK. This substantial expansion in uranium fuels demand could rapidly consume all existing excess production capacities and make it necessary to begin expanding or developing new production around the World. These factors will make it necessary for most Countries that will need increased uranium imports to strongly consider aggressively developing their available domestic reserves. The economic impacts could be the greatest on Countries that totally rely on imports today; such as the UK that has ‘zero’ domestic uranium production to supply local Power Sector demand. Besides potentially very large increases of uranium market prices, supplies could become limited or restricted by current major Suppliers (FSU Countries for example), which could lead to very significant future uranium fuel supply shortages.
From this article.. a long read but gives a good overall picture of U supply and demand and potential risk of shortages: