Looks like the fat lady has finally sung Even though the mines and mill are still in operation, it looks like we have run out of time. I always felt this company was a few dollars short and a year behind time. I think had they been able to get things off the ground a year prior, with the price of gold up etc. they may have made it. But at last the endless disappointments and set backs as well as the fall in the price of gold took their toll. So we are in the CCAA process now and it would be nice if they could sell as I believe there are interested parties out there. But if that doesn't pan out .. so to speak :-) by around the end of the month, we may be looking at an auction date in shortly there after. Has been an interesting and costly ride, luckily I made some serious money on the first round, too bad I chose to re invest at a later day but .... life happens ! Best of Fortune to all .... Gerry