RE:RE:RE:Lar the Disgruntled Let Go EmployeeHey Rghand2....Just incase you don't read the CCB board. Here is another very very interesting note of interest. Today being Saturday post reads typically tapper down. However Bob's post seem to have an 80+ post read count....almost immediately after being posted when everyone else has around the 30 count. How is that possible? We all know Bob does not have followers so how has the power or UserID capacity to accomplish such a feet........STOCKHOUSE does that's who.
Another point of interest is how someone so dispised by everyone here also immediately gets a 5 star reading. Now everyone knows that that can not be accomplished by simply giving yourself a 5 star take many UserID's to accomplish this. Upon Bob's posting IMMEDIATELY gets a 5 star rating ...similar to how JR's posts would get an instant 5 star rating.
Something smells with the stench of corruption here Stockhouse.....your time is coming.