RE:RE:RE:Marble Creditsjaberwock wrote:
From where did you get the false information that you are sreading about me? I have never said that any natural graphite product will ever wipe out the synthetic graphite industry.
That is the whole point, the two industries are separate industries which overlap in only one significant application, the Li-ion battery.
That is why quoting prices of synthetic graphite as justification for the evaluation of a natural graphite development is misleading and totally wrong, irrespective of purity. Properties other than purity also govern the choice of natural versus synthetic graphite.
I am sorry that your big pump of ZEN in 2013 failed so miserably. However, I suspect that you were in early enough and still made money. I am pleased to see that you finally took my advice and dumped ZEN.
Perhaps you made money on ZEN, but I wonder how many of the followers who pay to be a part of your little group made anything. Would those who joined when you were pumping the stock incessantly at 4 dollars, when the tribe's war cry was "Zen to ten", would they have made money? I doubt it.
Why don't you look for a company that actually has a chance of success and pump it? Then, if does succeed, the winnings go to everyone not just to those who were first in and first out.
so I guess when you are in a high risk venture exchange stock you ride it out right until the bitter end so there are no hard feelings between you and any other shareholder who holds on forever? what a load of cr*p. anybody who doesn't pay attention to the risk / reward of a junior stock is in the wrong game period !