amhb wrote: I find it extremely interesting that all the basher "always" focus on Phinney did this and Phinney did that.
According to the basher's there has been trouble in the board room and management for many years before he was kicked out.
Don't you think that "They" put out lies?
"They" have had almost a year 'without Phinney" and ANY involvement in the company and what is the first line of defense of the current management?
"It's Phinney's fault!!!"
I am quite sure if they could blame him for the oil collapse, the rise in the US dollar, the collapse of the western world, and any of another number of world events, they would.
You people are (fill in the blank)!
Current management has messed up everything.
Krn shareholders need to vote these people out.
End of Message (EOM)