Would PHM consider buying BIO?Biosign shareholders re-elect four directors at AGM 2015-05-06 21:09 ET - News Release Mr. Michael Gross reports BIOSIGN ANNOUNCES RESULTS OF SHAREHOLDERS MEETING Biosign Technologies Inc. held an annual and special meeting of shareholders on May 5, 2015, where all of the items of business of the company were approved, including: To re-elect the board of directors, consisting of Dr. Michael Gross, Dennis Rygwalski, Brian Neill and Ron Kelusky; To appoint Collins Barrow Toronto LLP, chartered accountants, as auditor of the company until the next annual meeting of shareholders or until a successor is appointed at a remuneration to be approved by the board of directors of the corporation; To reapprove the company's rolling 10-per-cent stock option plan; To authorize the company to make an application to be continued under the Canada Business Corporations Act; To change the province of the registered office of the corporation from Ontario to Nova Scotia; To authorize an amendment to the articles of the corporation to consolidate the outstanding common shares of the corporation on an up-to-one-new-common-share-for-10-old-common-share basis, with the directors being authorized to determine the final consolidation basis within such range.