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Goldmoney Inc T.XAU

Alternate Symbol(s):  XAUMF

Goldmoney Inc. is a Canada-based custodians and traders of precious metals. The Company also owns and operates businesses in jewelry manufacturing and property investment. The Company’s operations and principal activities are conducted through its two wholly owned business segments: a and Goldmoney Properties Limited. is an online platform that provides clients with access to their Holding to purchase and sell physical precious metals and arrange for their custody and storage. Goldmoney Properties Limited is a United Kingdom-based entity established to acquire long-life property assets with secure long-term income streams. It owns eight properties totaling 431,025 square feet (GIA). Goldmoney Properties Limited also owns a portfolio of freehold properties known as 'Clarendon Quarter' in Oxford, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom. This portfolio of mixed-use buildings occupies an approximately two-acre site in the heart of Oxford City Center.

TSX:XAU - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Post by mike270on May 15, 2015 7:51am
Post# 23731687


OPEN BID SO FAROpen bid so far is set at $4.49
Bullboard Posts