CEO had a target of 50 thousand accounts.11 thousand alreadyWouldn't you think there are at least 50 thousand wealthy folks in China alone? USA alone? See what I mean? And the 1% commission? That is 1% over, and over, and over, and over again. Every buy and sell of gold...... 1%. The difference between this and paper transaction ETF's..... this one is backed by physical gold. Stored in Brinks Lloyds of London vaults. In essence...... this is likely to be the platform where all global gold is transacted through. Take 1% of that amount..... Take 1% of a fraction of that total global gold. The potential share valuation here is astronomical. There is definitely a global appetite for this. Imagine the businessman in a foreign country ( Russia, Argentina, Zimbabwe etc. etc. ) that is paid 100 thousand dollars in his national currency. The next morning he wakes up to find his 100 thousand dollars is worth only 50 thousand dollars because of the currency de-valuations regularly happening around the globe. He will be diving at the opportunity to open his account....... buy 100 thousand dollars worth of gold........ be confident his gold is always going to be gold, and the price is likely to increase dramatically with the money countries are continuing to print.......... he will get a bank card........ and use it like every other bank card out there. This is not handing over blocks of gold to buy a car. I think once the masses come to realize this........ that it is simply funding an account by securely purchasing gold...... and spending your balance. Anyways... do some research...... the model is so simple, yet so ingenious. This is big. Heck... don't you think there are 50 thousand gold bugs alone out there that would use this platform to buy physical gold? I do. Share price into the teens by the close of Friday's session in my opinion.