Phantomblogger I first like to state that I think Catkin is on to something I have been thinking about regarding CGX and Inpex. They are a very strong possibility for a JV etc. I think Catkin is right. With regards to your question on Suresh's comments, I was very happy that Pacific got involved with CGX and sued for a settlement and CGX's rights to be in the license regardless of what name they give it now and how they alter the lines of the license (slightly from the original Georgetown area). However I find it objectionable that the managers and directors of CGX allowed the 90 day option to lapse. They did not protect our shareholders rights in this regard. WHY? It smells!Repsol/Tullow/CGX drilled the Jaguar in the Georgetown license and found 2 showings of oil with pressure and had to cap it. So with the correct equipment perhaps we could have found a commercial well. Pacific and CGX fought to get back in only to give up the prize of what they fought for, does not make any sense, just doesn't, something was transacted not on the shareholders behalf. They can't say they didn't have the money to buy in, when did that ever stop them.