for this company to make its mark ...............and attract investors, they need to increase depositor base, size of deposits and continue to develop their platform.
I am not a shareholder.............
I am a depositor.
I hope they develop a silver platform.
I hope everyone gets a chance to make money no matter which side of the coin you are on.
I'll make mine on the price of gold..................and hopefully silver at some point.
I'd like them to change the name............when I mention BitGold to friends their eyes glaze over. Fact is mine glaze over when I hear BitCoin...................
I don't understand it ( Bitcoin ) and don't feel the need to.
This fall could be a very difficult time for the market.................the good stocks will be sold with the bad..................once the dust settles I see Gold increasing in value.
This is the perfect vehicle ( unless I'm proven wrong ) to partake in the next big Gold market.
One more far as I'm aware CANADIANS pay no tax on profits in 99.95 GOLD.
You might want to check that out for yourselves............if you bot the stock in your TFSA, fantastic, best place to play the market.
Have fun make money and be willing share any thoughts you may have, thats what makes these bullboards of the mean spiritedness for a differnt venue.