RE:oldfxIn February 2009 I bought ATC for 8 cents.. it went to £10.. that is the kind of opportunity I am taking about.. but most people are blinded by the current negative sentiment.
Rick Rule bought 11 million shares of ATC for 28 cents BEFORE it dropped to 7 cents in 2008/9 but did he care when it tanked 75% ? No.. he just waited and made millions.
Unfortunately I didnt have much money in those days so I didnt make it to millionaire status but I did retire early and I also had the pleasure of recieving a LOT of thanks from others who did become millionaires because they listened to me.. I was banging the table a lot back then telling people about ATC
Of course I dont always get it right with individual companies but I can tell you that there are some incredible opportunities out there right now and careful selection and careful buying over the next few months is a no brainer in my book.
No one knows how low these stocks will go but focussing on that is missing the point.