there are other options.Option 1. give our resource to a company bleeding red ink, take on their business risk and dilute the hell out of our asset with this gong show merger. or Option 2. Hunker down and conserve capital. Trim all non essential personnel( Dev is one of them). and wait till market conditions improve. Guys, whats happening now, is exactly what happened when Dev decided to take our drilling money and give it to his other company by paying an outrageous premium for 12% of Fission3.0. Dev looking out for Dev. in my opinion. these are not deals that happen in epic bear market with blood in the streets. i could be wrong but I could just imagine the the negotiations for this deal...."hey listen! I will give you absolutely the best, cheapest price for our asset, if you then make me the CEO of the merged company? Alright? we gotta a Deal!! oh YA, if my puppets underneath me don't ok this deal, ill give you millions of dollars anyway in my opinion he just pissed away the money its going to cost us if this fails. In fact the poisonous relationship our management team has with NXE is grounds enough to get rid of our leadership because we cant explore all the possible options out there. Too much of this deal is centred around the interests of the people in the board rooms and not the shareholders People. Everyone keeps saying that Dev probably knows something we don't.....That's BS! As CEO his duty as "our employee" is to tell us absolutely everything he knows! did you ever ask yourselves why we are the ones paying the fee isf this merger fails. why not dml? why are we constantly is this position. Why hasn't Dev offered to resign if this deal doest go through? obviously the shareholders will have spoken and told him they don't have confidence in his leadership abilities.. fck me