RE:For The Dreamers and Unknowledgeable Re: May I suggest most of you educate yourself on preserving wealth via gold. It's not done with a credit card issued by a company, on some island somewhere, that charges you fees on every transaction. Preserving wealth is buying physical gold or silver having complete control of it. Gold bugs know this, thus the reason very few use this company. As for the free gold storage, read the fee schedule if you know what that means.
Dear ‘sir’:
Surely you gest with a nice touch of arrogance, not so cleverly disguised as to encourage inflamed discourse in order to help to mislead and jam this site … and to create further conjecture that will in the end be meaningless … and meagerly pay you for every response as is the age old game on SH. Did you lose your job in the banking/brokerage/investment arena? If so, I am sorry for your plight.
I will answer you just this once since you attempt to mislead … n’est-pas? We all know that gold and silver have increased in real value by 5.3% and 3.4% this year alone. We all are aware that gold and silver have troughed in a long term bull market that will now see them gain rapidly over the next few years. So, by holding gold in your BitGold account you have more spending power now than you did in Dec. I suspect those living in Brazil or Venezuela or even Italy would have only wished they had such a currency now had they enlisted last year. Can you grasp what I’m saying here? I’m not saying that one has to hold all their gold I a BitGold account.
You mention ‘charges’ on such credit cards. Surely you jest when comparing them to the banksters fees and charges. Holding your cash on deposit in a bank is really a loan to the bank for which they pay you a token interest which is really a negative real interest. Not only that, but worse, the banks consider this deposit ‘loan’ as an asset (which they have leveraged multiples of times) on their books that can be seized in what is called a ‘bail in’ (legislation on this was approved and passed in Canada in 2013 … and most western democracies). Greece and Cypress are simply test cases. So in an economic crisis kiss your cash goodbye Bastillee.
Yes, preserving wealth can also be having complete control over it … but the only real way to do that is to have the physical in your possession and well protected and hidden … or take the risk of trusting a guaranteed vault somewhere in between Switzerland and their border … or perhaps Brinks, where, hopefully, governments won’t seize it. When the banks leased/sold/hypothecated their client’s bullion they ‘hold’ (eligible and registered) on your behalf with 500 clients having a claim on each same ounce of gold, well who can you trust? Ask the French. At least BitGold vaults are independently audited. I don’t see that happening with the banks, do you?
Well, those are just a few answers to your pontifications. It’s apparent others here are ore than aware of who you are and what your intentions are … and they are sure to expose you at every jab.
Good investing to all honest shareholders and take heart in the only real currency and money that has outlasted all imposters for over 5,00 years.