To be clear............I asked the question on Shariah Law as I am very anti religion as a given and had little or NO knowledge of the subject. Just had a nice chat with a co-worker and he gave me a very scary lesson in geo politics and the state of the worlds religions. As it boils down for me, it is the agenda of House of Saud and its partners in changing the world to how they want it, in what may be described as very negative to my way of thinking. What distresses me the most, is the rather significant role being played by the US, UK and a few Western European countries. I come from the live and let live side of the coin. It is because of my limited knowledge, and what I think I know, that has pushed me into the gold and silver market. I apologize for tainting the pool with a very touchy subject. I knew it was out of the realm of this board and still felt some relevancy in the Gold market which I am very interested in. Open a Bitgold account and with any luck, avoid what looks like, a waiting in the wings catastrophe. Catch the interview on USAWatchdog of Rob Kirby