RE:PROtrader, alscatterhead wrote:
Too funny guys, however, in most of your comments you are on track! - Sold my NMI and CVE to get back into BTE - at around $6.00 who ready cares about a 0.50 cent swing - from here I think this puppy steps into the $8's by September, exits the year aound $10.00 and this time next year sits between $12.00 and $15.00 - so now I can take the summer off and not worry as I have as many as I can afford !! - good luck to all of us as we go........most oil & gas stocks are a bit ahead of themselves - I would attribute that to retail investors and investment funds that feel the same, buy in now as a few months from now we could see a $50.00 BBL bottom......JIMHANDPO
I think you are pretty much right on....except I'm waiting for a better buying OP. Currently this feels oversold to me esp with WTI slowly dropping. If you are in for the long haul then this is a good entry point. I sold at $5.43 so I want to buy back lower than that.