RE:Any offer
Heres where we stand.
1. Current management is lying and fear mongering.
2. K2 is not hositle, but it plays into managements directive.
2. Ka an does not care about share holders, but they have provided a nice base of 1.10 for all of us.
3. We don't know KAs intention but its safe to say current management are not happy with the type of talk / offers that have happened with KA.
4. Current management, and Harrington want far more than 2.00, as they had their chance to sell at 2 and they refused.
5. K2 would likely be good with a 2.00 sale as their entry point is lower than Harringtons.
I think people need to look at this realistically. Its very likely KA wants to purchase this for somewhere between the current price of 1.10 and 2.00. Harrington clearly wants 2.5-3+, while K2 is in the middle, and thus your safest bet. If your entry point was over 2, well I think you just have to accept there is a very low chance you recoup your money, if you entry point was in the 1.5-1.75 area, well KA is likely trying to give you that, while K2 will make you a little bit of money.
So to sum it up: play it safe with K2 and hit a double, go for a home run with Harrington and current management, or risk the strikeout and take whatever KA gives you and it might just be that you have to sell to them on the open market cause they may buy up enough shares to just tell Roziers old team to start drilling, and that is not something any of us want.