RE:RE:RE:Q2 EBITDAEStreet wrote: As far as the lawsuit,, it makes you wonder sometimes if some of the shorting going on was of a vindictive nature due to this ongoing lawsuit,,. Seems to me that the price swings and selling on this name have been more then unusual at times and often have little to do with the fundamentals and perhaps more to do with an ungoing legal battle with this den of fraudulent thieves who make their living from manipulating the share prices of honest companies,,.
I've actually thought the same thing. These crooks that run hedge funds are used to bullying everyone and so when Nobilis actually tried to defend themselves you have to think these Anson low lifes would take a personal vendetta out to crush their stock every chance they get.
Unforunately, Nobilis has given them more than enough chances to do this.
Qtr 2 only a month away, I'd say Nobilis better not shoot themselves in the foot again, but they've already blown their feet clear off with double barrel shotguns the last qtr, so on the bright side they can no longer shoot themselves in the foot.