In Spite of the Games....From what I have gathered, the lions share of all major gold discoveries of the past 35 years, were spawned in Vancouver's old stock exchange, the TSX.Venture Exchange. Refreshing! Cream does insist on rising to the top. Companies like Dia Met, Barrick and Gold Corp.(ie. acquisition of Kaminak Gold) ......Surprisingly, it has been said too, that during periods of illiquidity, opportunity may rise in the Venture, as large blocks may more readily come open at depressed prices. ( Many would also agree that in the TSX.V as with the US OTC, the nature of the beast is frequent volatility paired with high risk.) Some here who are more savvy might kindly share some TSX.V fundamentals ( tricks of the trades) to the advantage of the Gold Standard investor..... slightly different on the NYSE; I do appreciate that GSV decided to offer this to the US buyer on the NYSE.