looks like a disrupter to me... but
so many things have to go right to reap the maximum reward from a micro cap company. The NY markets have been on fire since Trump won the election. The Pat stock has kicked in the after burners... but she might need to cool down some before running to $2.50... $3.00. It's been awhile since I've been in a tech stock but let's hope Pat's road to success doesn't get too rocky! I could sure use a $30 to $50 stock about now.. I'm newly retired... I plan on buying much more PAT at hopefully the right times. There should be a huge market for this detector, world wide. Have they began producing on a larger scale yet? How much will they be selling for... I would think $10 grand to $15 grand wouldn't be expensive to keep people safe no matter what place they happen to be gathering in............ Hope we can reap a bundle on this one, I sure could use a real nice payout like most of us invested in PAT. goldtoe.