dsb: Which applications are available for your products and how has it developed from your perspective of the market?
Our customers use our inverters for a wide range of applications, from self-consumption maximization in home storage systems to energy trading and network stabilization. We believe that, in the medium term, the merger of several home stores into a virtual power plant, which can be used to improve grid stability and quality, will provide a win-win situation for the storage owner as well as the network operator. Some of our customers in North America are already demonstrating such aggregation concepts and our development team works closely with network operators to tailor our inverters exactly to their needs.
Final acceptance and test of the electronic components
Exciting developments in the market for home storage
dsb: Where is your company represented everywhere and what is happening in these markets just exciting?
We are represented both in our home market of North America and in the European market. The most exciting market in North America is certainly Hawaii. There, the network operator has minimized the annual contingent for the installation of grid-feeding photovoltaic systems, but allows homeowners to use home storage as part of the so-called "self-supply" program, thus supplying themselves with PV electricity. At current prices of partly over $ 0.40 / kWh and the sun exposure, the self-consumption maximizing course makes absolutely sense.
In Europe, Germany remains, thanks to funding and innovative business models of the storage vendors, the most interesting market and we expect that this will continue to grow strongly and at the latest when from 2020 the first ECG contracts are set to expire, will be a mass market. However, we are increasingly receiving inquiries from England, as well as from the Mediterranean region.
Compatibility with all home memory manufacturers
dsb: If your inverter with any home storage compatible as well with the Tesla Power Wall?
Our inverters are basically with all battery technologies, Lithium-ion to lead to flow or salt water batteries, compatible. However, our inverters are not available in wholesale. We work exclusively with partner companies, who then offer a complete storage system and, if desired, also support them in the integration with the selected battery management or energy management system.
In North America, we have established a partnership with the battery manufacturer LG Chem and, together with the engineers, have developed a fully integrated complete system, which optimally harmonizes the components to guarantee the highest performance, safety and longevity. We also work with other battery manufacturers together and have basically the customer ( Note: the partner companies ) decide which battery technology and brand, he wants to offer.