RE:RE:Company update?I sent an email to management asking 2 questions a couple of weeks ago... First one was,"At what oil price would you start steam injection again at Sawn Lake?" and " If you didn't have the time to prove joint discovery status before our lease expired, why did you drill the first well to begin with at Batu Gajah without getting the extension ahead of time? I have not received a reply nor did I think I had much chance of getting one. the second question was more to let them know that people are going to need a better explanation of what happened there. There is more to the story than they are telling us and I wouldn't be surprised if some good old Indonesian corruption is at play. the only reasons POE may not be making a big stink about it is because they 1. they screwed this up themselves or 2, they don't want to piss anyone off in the Indo government who could make life difficult over at the our main potential prize--East Jabung PCS Regardless, a better explanation needs to given because the one they are giving us now reeks like poop