RE:Woody00 - ha ha, we get more reads than you do, ha ha.B. Dung.... I don't know how many boards you read on SH but TUO is not a "pumped" board.
I follow a few boards that are overflowing with pumpers and bashers.
I've stopped reading them. Way too juvenile and so obvious.
All I see here are a couple of guys passionate about TUO and the GTriangle sharing their passion with the rest of the world
Not one person is telling you to buy, telling any of us it's going to 30 cents or 50 cents next week.
Acually the only one here with an obviouis agenda is you,,,, not the best basher I've read but damn annoying to read..
p.s. this stock will hit $1.00 before it reaches 15 again. Next week. :o)
Bash on that and rotate !!
BuffaloDung wrote: You really are a desperate troll, how sad, how pathetically sad. We have more reads! How many times did you read it pecko-head? This has got to be one of the lowest forms of panhandling for attention I have ever witnessed.
Poor woodless, you poor lost sole. Taking money from some greenhorn investors, that doesn't bother you? Are you going to say it's their choice if they invest in this hyped, aggressively pumped entity and tough luck if they lose their money? That's just what we would expect from a conscious-less, garbage eating rat, of course, which you are not! Thank god for that eh! Happy reading woody00.