Timmins central Autoclave!!This is an older article from our CEO back a little over 6 months ago.......Now, keep in mind.,...Goldcorp could be a part of this puzzle, i mentioned this way back, as respectfully opposing view from my considered friend Checkmate ......Hoyle pond south is going to expand......let us read between the lines from G.Romain.....GLTA
{{“There are many other regional deposits with similar gold to Bradshaw in whole or in part in the Timmins area, as well as in northwestern Quebec,” Romain said.
“I truly believe in the future you will see a central autoclave facility built in the area to treat this type of material and unlock its hidden value that is currently not being mined.
“An autoclave is simply a high-pressure and high-temperature treatment of the concentrate, which effectively speeds up Mother Nature’s process.
“Autoclaves are being used by Goldcorp in Red Lake, Barrick in Newmont, Nevada, and Agnico (Eagle) at their mine in Finland, to name a few examples.
“Last spring, Goldcorp discussed at their annual investment day in Toronto that they are considering a central autoclave facility in the Timmins camp to treat the material from South Hoyle Pond TVZ zone, which is also arsenopyrite.
“The average global grade of gold ore around the world is a gram a tonne and in North America, it is .7 grams per ton. I know it is hard to believe, because in Timmins everything is still pretty high grade, but that’s not the case around the world.”""