see you guys soon
For the first time in over a decade my account has no MXI-its been a wild ride and we did better than most in this era but it could have been so much better. But at the end of the day this is a bright spot in the general carnage of the juniour market. I have let John and Greg know that I will write them a cheque on their next venture.
Some of the Calgary mafia disagree with that but what juniour has done better? My RSP is a graveyard-and none were junk. Good companies with high potential projects that simply got caught in the tsunami that hit the spec market. If someone had capital right now, and balls, I am sure they could capture more than a few ten bangers with a little patience-but you will need patience.
I am going back to options and futures-no watching your capital dissapate into salaries and immediate results-good or bad. GLTA! and see you at PDAC for a beer or two, this means you Wilwal and uncoverer!