RE:It's no longer about the mine.Snacker , did you peruse the article from Jay Currie / Financial Post , in the previous post , here are just a couple of inserts in todays write up ;
''from a CAPEX perspective, according to the Canada Carbon PEA, the cost of getting into the marble quarrying business is on the order of $3.8 million dollars. The internal rate of return is 450% and the CAPEX payback is three months, based on revenues from only half of the planned marble production. Little wonder my informant “fell off his chair”.
'' Leave aside my informant’s speculation as to Canada Carbon being able to obtain prices higher than $184 a tonne for its marble; just at that price the company could have positive, free, cash flow in a matter of months without significant dilution. In my earlier article comparing Canada Carbon to Nemaska Lithium I suggested that a graphite off take agreement could rocket Canada Carbon’s market cap from its current $20 million to a market cap closer to Nemaska’s $400 million. But I did not consider the implications of a significant, steady, free cash flow from marble operations. These implications are obviously positive. In particular, positive cash flow at this early stage may allow Canada Carbon to use debt financing to bring its graphite into production. ''
so CCB has a cash flow right off the get go to help fund their Graphite Mine start up, scheduled to begin production of the PUREST GRAPHITE on planet earth , BAR NONE , in early 2018 to minimize SP dilution, with a MINIMAL ecological footprint, how good is that ? Employing approximately 100 people in the community with a mine of an initial 50 year life span , with spinoffs of ?? cutting edge Graphene/Graphite laboratories ? , sculpturing ? tax revenue, jobs, jobs , jobs .
How does this not fly ??