RE:bockho, most everything you just wrote is onsenseI am so glad you explained your position so clearly. Having been accused of pumping, I now go more neutral on the ones like. I get sick of people relying on what others say and then being detached from reasonable DD, get rediculous bacause they cannot keep up; and then throw negative hype out because they did not win big. So, I laid out every question I beliieve should be considered. Including those just answered by the CEO. But if I serve up every answer,one of two things happens. Because I am not at your level, what I say is taken as smack pumping. Shorters take full advantage to hit every positive point with a negative! And that is exactly why I ended my post with the comment, that we all knowevery question can be answered to the opposite, so youd better know the facts when entering risk, in this case good risk, IMO. We all know shorters willsieze the moment of anyone ill prepared and that hurts even the most wise. I was responding to a prior post , in starting out by saying there are many moving pieces. So now i get to say what i really mean! Every question I posed, I believe Goviex wins, hands down! And I believe the core business Is over the top brilliant. They Are conscientious toward the country and aim to serve the upcoming needs of those citizens, it appears. They recognize carbon's part and all air polution,and the diseases and political instability guaranteed , if nuclear energy is not clearly in the picture.I believe that Not everyone posting here is going to seek out the CEOs reporting or company news, but if they realize the great number of easily resourced answers, they might be gratified. Incidentally, I think all the prices I paid for my 11,000 shares will have been bargain basement prices. I read your posts regularly and have only reason to see your posting of high integrity. All stated above is IMO. Happy posting and thankyou.