Questions received to date. This is what I have received from investors so far. If there is anything else please respond or email me. I should be able to ask them Tuesday or Wednesday in person.
Questions for GSI.V CEO Doug.
1. Why is the private placement not available to all shareholders?
2. What value do the investors being offered the private placement offer to the company?
3. why are you diluting so cheaply? Especially with $3m in working capital.
4. What are GSI's operating costs for managing the evidence/collection of fines for stop camera violations?
5. What happens at the end of the 5 year stop camera deals?
6. If the camera is paid for at that point does GSI's revenue share decline going forward?
7. Why dilute so cheaply?
8. Are there plans to buyout some private companies (who are competitors) in the U.S?
9. Why dilute so cheaply? I feel existing shareholders kinda got the shaft here (short term only)
10. why did Doug sell 2million of his own shares?
11. why didn't ALL existing shareholders get a piece of it? I would have LOVED the opportunity to buy as much as I could at $0.20 cents.