EXPM:QRMLF - Post by User
Post by
StockscoutXon Apr 27, 2017 11:40am
Post# 26174217
More than two straight months SP is sinking!
More than two straight months SP is sinking!We lost over 60% in SP value since it's peak of 30 cents about two months ago.
What was all the fuss to drive the SP to 30 cents by the market makers? Raise cash for QRM or other reason? Job done by the market makers and now who gives a damn about the retailers? There is more than meets the eyes here and retailers are not getting the full picture. It's obvious how the market makers play's the trades but to the disadvantage of the retailers.
We are about two months away from the start of summer season. Usually SP have a tendance to peak before summer season begins but in the case of QRM its none of that. I guess we got to wait in september if there is to be some action with QRM that could drive the SP. It's a real dissapoinment for now!
All in my opinion.