Radient Technologies RTI is going to run hard all next weekWhen RTI signed their MOU with with Aurora, their market was just in Canada, and RTI shot up as high as .94 cents. Currently at .75 cents, RTI expects 3rd party confirmation and partnership news with Aurora by Weds, May 31. Now that Aurora has puchased German Pedanios, this has now given them access to 28 more countries right across the European Union.
Aurora at this point has already invested 3 million dollars of their own money into RTI totally 18% of RTI's last private placement, what this means is that pending 3rd party confirmation (by may 31st) RTI will have an exclusive partnership with ACB to extract their oil now for the Canadian market PLUS 28 more countries across the European Union.
Considering RTI traded up to .94 when the MOU was signed to extract Auroras cannabis oil for JUST the canadian market, where the shareprice is going to run now that that deal will now include an addtional 28 countries across the European Union is anyones guess. A conservative guess would be $1.20 but most are predicting between $1.50-$2.00