Excellent update Everything is falling into place. Things are proceeding well it seems. Slowly but surely.
I'm somewhat surprised the market hasn't grasped this fact and the company's value yet. ............They will.
They envisage work will "proceed quickly" once agreements are done and that, that's their goal--to hit the ground running. Much of the ground work has already been done. (though they don't want to say much about it for some reason.)
The US $ 50 million market cap greatly undervalues LION.
" Slash the existing exploration decline" means widening/ enlarging. I was told quite some time ago that this was in store, in order to fit larger vehicles and machinery. They also said , then, that the new and the original declines will be meeting up underground, which makes sense.
Looking forward to new drill results.
Can't wait til they get on with it.
Pick a bid and set about mining, already.!