The troubling cash flow comparison metric You can put lipstick on a pig , buit it's still a pig ! I know facts might trouble some here but there are a few with common sense so this is for them
The mid tier producers in North America posted an average 73% increase in cash flow year over year , Baytex -11 %
Mid tier producers produced a cash flow increase of 3% , bte -1 %
Of the 45 mid tier producers only 11 genrated negative cash flow year over year and bte was one of them.
RBC is reducing wti forecast price $10.00 a barrell and see's lower for longer and the question is why back a loser when, in a low price enviroment, bte is worst of breed. Add to this metyric thier D/CF is the highest in the mid tier group and its a no brainer.
Heck, Shells' CEO just announced his next vehicle is going to be electric, that should say something.