CRH is deeply oversold...
I read through the last couple of NR's, that triggered the yo yo action in CRH. I don't know. The only real negative I saw was the change in billing, but that was resulted in a market over reaction as most banks came out and re-rated the stock to a lower target price but kept the buy recommendations. The last drop looks silly to me. Didn't hit targets - sure, somewhat true but growing revenue and profits nonetheless. Maybe management will learn to underpromise and over deliver and regain some of the positive momentum that it had months back. I like the company. I like the growth trajectory. I see a lot of potential for this one to recoup and follows the charts - 50% retracement takes it back to $5 in the next month or so, ignoring the forthcoming NRs about accquisitions, and these have been projected in the announcement before quarterlies were released.