This latest news release on rock drilling samples......really came out of left field. It tells me that it's possible one of our NDA signers are doing more than just kicking tires. When a large company is doing due diligence on a potential takeover target, it wants to know every single detail about what kind of assets are actually available. I really like this news release because no one was expecting it. It's not just another "fluffy" release about the rising price of cobalt, instead its further proof that we have interested parties. Larry wouldn't just spend our PP money on Rocher Deboule core sample drilling if no one was kicking tires. Perhaps another strategy could be to start using the hydrometalurical process on our own Cobalt ore in B.C. until enough spent batteries become available to build a recycling plant. After all, if the process works on Manganese ore as well as several different lithium ion cathode chemistries, why wouldn't it work on Cobalt ore? Domestic cobalt produced using an energy efficient process (no smelting) and no child labour..... think about it.